If there’s one thing marketers love, it’s holidays. We’re always looking for something fun to celebrate on social media! I don’t know when we created five different holidays for each day of the year, but for the most part, I’m happy about it. From the forward-thinking (National Bike to Work Day) to the absurd (National Towel Day), you can find a holiday that will catch the attention of your audience and give you some fun content to work with!
Fourth quarter can often have business owners running around like a chicken with its head cut off, so having an idea of what’s coming up can make your life a lot easier over the next few months. Choosing one or two each month will give your accounts an extra little push when content gets thin. Here are a few ideas to last through the end of the year:
October 2019
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Oct 1: International Coffee Day #InternationalCoffeeDay – Post a photo of your favorite spot in town to get coffee
Oct 4: National Taco Day #NationalTacoDay – This “holiday” gets high traffic in tags, so you have an opportunity to reach users who may not already follow you
Oct 5: World Teachers Day #WorldTeachersDay – I mean, c’mon, we owe them a shoutout
Oct 10: World Mental Health Day #WorldMentalHeathDay
Oct 14-20: National Business Women’s Week – tag some female business owners who inspire you!
16: Bosses Day #BossesDay – give the owner some love on Instagram and give your followers a better idea of the people behind the brand #winwin
18: Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay – Utilize the Poll, Questions, or Quiz add-ons in your Instagram stories to find out what your customers really like! Customers respond more readily to a multiple-choice question than an open-ended one, so give them a few things to pick between and see which ones they like better!
31: Halloween #Halloween – If you’re not letting your employees dress up for Halloween and posting it to Instagram you are missing on a golden opportunity. Example.
November 2019
No Shave November (raising awareness about men’s health)
3: National Sandwich Day #NationalSandwichDay -I think we all know of a popular downtown sandwich spot that could run with this one 😉
4: National Candy Day #NationalCandyDay – Have a big jar full of candy out all week so that customers can guess how many are inside and on this day announce the winner with a free item that has your logo on it- plus the candy!
11: Veterans Day #VeteransDay
13: World Kindness Day #WKD
15: National Philanthropy Day – Tell us which non-profits that your business supports and why we should, too!
19: National Entrepreneurs Day #EntrepreneursDay – Are you an entrepreneur? Tell your followers how your business got started!
28: Thanksgiving Day #Thanksgiving
29: Black Friday
30: Small Business Saturday #ShopSmall– As a small business, this is your opportunity to encourage your customers to shop small as they prepare for Christmas!
December 2018
2: Cyber Monday #CyberMonday- Make sure you have online-only deals that your clients can’t ignore!
4: National Cookie Day #NationalCookieDay- Everybody likes cookies. It’s a universal fact.
15: National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day – Take a page out of Chick-Fil-A’s book and make your customers dress up to get a discount! Ugly sweater gets 10% off.
21: First Day of Winter
24: Christmas Eve- Give us a recap of 2018 for your business and tell us what you’re thankful for (the customers, obviously)! Pro level: create an infographic with the info!
25: Christmas Day
31: New Year’s Eve #NYE
A few more tips:
· Plan your posts ahead of time! At the very least, create an outline that you can reference each day so that you’re not spending hours on social media when you have actual work to do.
· Include some of these holiday highlights in an upcoming newsletter!
· Email me with ideas, questions, or feedback at marketingmalia@gmail.com!
Happy posting!